

S01E109 - Episode 109

18.1. 12:25
Disney Channel
15 minutes

Animovaný seriál Fr. (2019). Bentley s paní Bohatou soutěží v závodu psích spřežení, který vždy vyhráli a mají to v plánu i tentokrát. Ale letos bude soutěž přeci jen trochu těžší, protože přítelkyně paní Bohaté jsou rozhodnuty vyhrát. Taffy v tom vidí skvělou příležitost, jak se zbavit Bentleyho...

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Season 1

Happy Home

23.3. 05:45, Disney Channel, 5 minutes

Happy Home

A rascally raccoon pretends to be a cat so that a rich sweet little old lady will look after him. He may have her fooled but her dog is on to him.


Buried Treasure

23.3. 05:50, Disney Channel, 10 minutes

Buried Treasure

A rascally raccoon pretends to be a cat so that a rich sweet little old lady will look after him. He may have her fooled but her dog is on to him.


The Fortune 500

24.3. 05:45, Disney Channel, 5 minutes

The Fortune 500

A rascally raccoon pretends to be a cat so that a rich sweet little old lady will look after him. He may have her fooled but her dog is on to him.


Jitter Fever

24.3. 05:50, Disney Channel, 10 minutes

Jitter Fever

A rascally raccoon pretends to be a cat so that a rich sweet little old lady will look after him. He may have her fooled but her dog is on to him.

Available in 1 day

The Recall

30.3. 05:45, Disney Channel, 5 minutes

The Recall

A rascally raccoon pretends to be a cat so that a rich sweet little old lady will look after him. He may have her fooled but her dog is on to him.

Available in 1 day

New Leaf Taffy

30.3. 05:50, Disney Channel, 10 minutes

New Leaf Taffy

A rascally raccoon pretends to be a cat so that a rich sweet little old lady will look after him. He may have her fooled but her dog is on to him.

Available in 2 days

The New Mrs M

31.3. 05:45, Disney Channel, 5 minutes

The New Mrs M

A rascally raccoon pretends to be a cat so that a rich sweet little old lady will look after him. He may have her fooled but her dog is on to him.

Available in 2 days

The Upgrade

31.3. 05:50, Disney Channel, 10 minutes

The Upgrade

A rascally raccoon pretends to be a cat so that a rich sweet little old lady will look after him. He may have her fooled but her dog is on to him.


Episode 96

26.3. 23:45, Disney Channel, 5 minutes

Episode 96

Animovaný seriál Fr. (2019). Taffy se zraní při předvádění akrobatických kousků a musí si dát nohy do sádry. Bentley to však nesmí zjistit, nebo se Taffy může s mašlí rozloučit!

Available in 4 days

Episode 100

1.4. 23:45, Disney Channel, 5 minutes

Episode 100

Animovaný seriál Fr. (2019). Ferrari pracuje v letovisku v pobřežní hlídce a Bentley by se s ní rád sblížil. Taffy mu nabízí pomoc a navrhne mu, aby se také přihlásil k záchranářům. Ale to není tak úplně jednoduché....

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About show

Czech, English, Hungarian

A rascally raccoon pretends to be a cat so that a rich sweet little old lady will look after him. He may have her fooled but her dog is on to him.