Only Water In The Sea

Only Water In The Sea

8.9. 04:40
Filmbox Arthouse
40 minut

There is not much fish left in the Mediterranean Sea, and both fishermen and dolphins are fighting for surviving. This film shows the consequences of overfishing and unsustainable tourism in the island of Stromboli through two of the last guardians of a world that is disappearing. This is a story of extinctions of fish population and local traditions. But there is hope for the next generations. Directed by: Laura Pavone, Arun Nangla. Cast: Mario Cusolito. Year of production: 2020. Country of production: UK

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O pořadu

There is not much fish left in the Mediterranean Sea, and both fishermen and dolphins are fighting for surviving. This film shows the consequences of overfishing and unsustainable tourism in the island of Stromboli through two of the last guardians of a world that is disappearing. This is a story of extinctions of fish population and local traditions. But there is hope for the next generations. Directed by: Laura Pavone, Arun Nangla. Cast: Mario Cusolito. Year of production: 2020. Country of production: UK