Lost Treasures of Egypt

Lost Treasures of Egypt

S05E04 - Secrets of the Mummy Tombs

15.1. 23:00
National Geographic
60 minutes
Documentary / Historic

Archeologové zkoumají skryté hrobky, aby rozluštili staroegyptskou víru v posmrtný život. V Oxyrhynchu odhalí úžasně zachovalou mumii a vysoko v horách ve Filadelfii se tým ponoří do dvanáct metrů hluboké šachty, aby odkryl dávno ztracenou pohřební komoru. (National Geographic)

More information

Tomb Raiders

11.2. 13:00, National Geographic, 60 minutes

Tomb Raiders

Nearby in Deir el Bahari, Archaeologist Antonio Morales and his team are investigating how ancient tomb builders cleverly designed their tombs to try to evade would-be thieves.

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About show

Czech, English, Hungarian
Documentary / Historic

An immersive, action-packed and discovery-led series following International teams of Egyptologists as they unearth the world's richest seam of ancient archaeology - Egypt's Valley of the Kings.


Julian Barratt