Apocalypse: The First World War

Apocalypse: The First World War

S01E01 - 1/5

4.2. 22:00
National Geographic
60 minutes
France Documentary / Historic / War

Kde se zrodilo šílenství, které zachvátilo celý svět a vyžádalo si desítky milionů mrtvých a zmrzačených? Francouzský dokumentární cyklus

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About show

Czech, English, Hungarian
France Documentary / Historic / War

Colorized historical footage in ascending order of World War 1. Not only the relatively known Flanders and France battles, but also the generally unknown Italian-Austrian, German-Polish-Russian, Japanese-German, Ottoman Empire- Allied and African German Colonies, and other unknown or forgotten fronts and battles. Original French production retold in English for National Geographic channel as: World War 1: The Apocalypse.


Winston Churchill, císař František Josef I., Woodrow Wilson, Mathieu Kassovitz, François Arnaud, císař Wilhelm II, král Jiří V., car Mikuláš II. Alexandrovič