Super Thundermanovi

Super Thundermanovi

S03E04 - Krádež v zákulisí

25.11. 21:10
30 minut
Akční / Rodinný / Sci-Fi

Co je lepšího, než superhrdinové? Celá rodina superhrdinů!

Více informací

Šťasný Hrdinovín

17.12. 12:15, Nickelodeon, 30 minut

Šťasný Hrdinovín

Phoebe and Max Thunderman are 14-year-old twins who share a house, a school, a birthday, and a set of superpowers courtesy of their super-powered parents. Yet somehow, in the cosmic game of genetic roulette, Phoebe popped out of the womb good, while Max came out evil. This super-sibling rivalry, coupled with the typical school/family issues faced by your average kid ultimately leads to a series of hilarious situations.


Max do budoucnosti

18.12. 11:50, Nickelodeon, 25 minut

Max do budoucnosti

Phoebe and Max Thunderman are 14-year-old twins who share a house, a school, a birthday, and a set of superpowers courtesy of their super-powered parents. Yet somehow, in the cosmic game of genetic roulette, Phoebe popped out of the womb good, while Max came out evil. This super-sibling rivalry, coupled with the typical school/family issues faced by your average kid ultimately leads to a series of hilarious situations.


Lépe beze svatby

18.12. 12:15, Nickelodeon, 30 minut

Lépe beze svatby

Phoebe and Max Thunderman are 14-year-old twins who share a house, a school, a birthday, and a set of superpowers courtesy of their super-powered parents. Yet somehow, in the cosmic game of genetic roulette, Phoebe popped out of the womb good, while Max came out evil. This super-sibling rivalry, coupled with the typical school/family issues faced by your average kid ultimately leads to a series of hilarious situations.

Dostupné za 8 hodin

Orange Is the New Max

19.12. 11:50, Nickelodeon, 25 minut

Orange Is the New Max

Phoebe and Max Thunderman are 14-year-old twins who share a house, a school, a birthday, and a set of superpowers courtesy of their super-powered parents. Yet somehow, in the cosmic game of genetic roulette, Phoebe popped out of the womb good, while Max came out evil. This super-sibling rivalry, coupled with the typical school/family issues faced by your average kid ultimately leads to a series of hilarious situations.

Dostupné za 8 hodin

Max a Tý Rex

19.12. 12:15, Nickelodeon, 30 minut

Max a Tý Rex

Phoebe and Max Thunderman are 14-year-old twins who share a house, a school, a birthday, and a set of superpowers courtesy of their super-powered parents. Yet somehow, in the cosmic game of genetic roulette, Phoebe popped out of the womb good, while Max came out evil. This super-sibling rivalry, coupled with the typical school/family issues faced by your average kid ultimately leads to a series of hilarious situations.

Dostupné za 1 den

Oranžová, nová Maxova barva

20.12. 11:50, Nickelodeon, 25 minut

Oranžová, nová Maxova barva

Phoebe and Max Thunderman are 14-year-old twins who share a house, a school, a birthday, and a set of superpowers courtesy of their super-powered parents. Yet somehow, in the cosmic game of genetic roulette, Phoebe popped out of the womb good, while Max came out evil. This super-sibling rivalry, coupled with the typical school/family issues faced by your average kid ultimately leads to a series of hilarious situations.

Dostupné za 1 den

Thunder Games - Část první

20.12. 12:15, Nickelodeon, 30 minut

Thunder Games - Část první

Phoebe and Max Thunderman are 14-year-old twins who share a house, a school, a birthday, and a set of superpowers courtesy of their super-powered parents. Yet somehow, in the cosmic game of genetic roulette, Phoebe popped out of the womb good, while Max came out evil. This super-sibling rivalry, coupled with the typical school/family issues faced by your average kid ultimately leads to a series of hilarious situations.

Dostupné za 3 dny

Thunder Games - Část druhá

22.12. 14:50, Nickelodeon, 30 minut

Thunder Games - Část druhá

Phoebe and Max Thunderman are 14-year-old twins who share a house, a school, a birthday, and a set of superpowers courtesy of their super-powered parents. Yet somehow, in the cosmic game of genetic roulette, Phoebe popped out of the womb good, while Max came out evil. This super-sibling rivalry, coupled with the typical school/family issues faced by your average kid ultimately leads to a series of hilarious situations.

Dostupné za 3 dny

Super moulové

22.12. 15:20, Nickelodeon, 30 minut

Super moulové

Phoebe and Max Thunderman are 14-year-old twins who share a house, a school, a birthday, and a set of superpowers courtesy of their super-powered parents. Yet somehow, in the cosmic game of genetic roulette, Phoebe popped out of the womb good, while Max came out evil. This super-sibling rivalry, coupled with the typical school/family issues faced by your average kid ultimately leads to a series of hilarious situations.

Dostupné za 3 dny

Smithina pomsta

22.12. 15:50, Nickelodeon, 25 minut

Smithina pomsta

Phoebe and Max Thunderman are 14-year-old twins who share a house, a school, a birthday, and a set of superpowers courtesy of their super-powered parents. Yet somehow, in the cosmic game of genetic roulette, Phoebe popped out of the womb good, while Max came out evil. This super-sibling rivalry, coupled with the typical school/family issues faced by your average kid ultimately leads to a series of hilarious situations.

Dostupné za 3 dny

Mládí Zet

22.12. 16:15, Nickelodeon, 30 minut

Mládí Zet

Phoebe and Max Thunderman are 14-year-old twins who share a house, a school, a birthday, and a set of superpowers courtesy of their super-powered parents. Yet somehow, in the cosmic game of genetic roulette, Phoebe popped out of the womb good, while Max came out evil. This super-sibling rivalry, coupled with the typical school/family issues faced by your average kid ultimately leads to a series of hilarious situations.

Dostupné za 3 dny

Pojď, Temný Zmatku

22.12. 16:45, Nickelodeon, 30 minut

Pojď, Temný Zmatku

Phoebe and Max Thunderman are 14-year-old twins who share a house, a school, a birthday, and a set of superpowers courtesy of their super-powered parents. Yet somehow, in the cosmic game of genetic roulette, Phoebe popped out of the womb good, while Max came out evil. This super-sibling rivalry, coupled with the typical school/family issues faced by your average kid ultimately leads to a series of hilarious situations.

Dostupné za 6 dnů

Slavný bratr

25.12. 12:15, Nickelodeon, 30 minut

Slavný bratr

Phoebe and Max Thunderman are 14-year-old twins who share a house, a school, a birthday, and a set of superpowers courtesy of their super-powered parents. Yet somehow, in the cosmic game of genetic roulette, Phoebe popped out of the womb good, while Max came out evil. This super-sibling rivalry, coupled with the typical school/family issues faced by your average kid ultimately leads to a series of hilarious situations.

Podobné tituly

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Hero Inside
Henry Nebezpečný
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Méďové II - Povídání pro Aničku

O pořadu

česky, anglicky, maďarsky
Akční / Rodinný / Sci-Fi

Seznamte se s Thundermanovými, typickou rodinkou z předměstí, která jen tak mimochodem oplývá úžasnými superschopnostmi. V centru dění jsou Thundermanovic čtrnáctiletá dvojčata, která mají společnou koupelnu, školu i otravné mladší sourozence. V čem se od sebe liší? Zatímco sestra je výborná studentka se skvělou povahou, která jde ostatním vždy příkladem a své schopnosti využívá především k pomoci ostatním, její bratr Max je pravým opakem.(HBO Europe)


Robbie Countryman, Lisa Muse Bryant


Rosa Blasi, Jack Griffo, Kira Kosarin, Diego Velazquez, Addison Riecke, Chris Tallman, Dana Snyder, Maya Le Clark