

S02E12 - Afecté la Votación

31.12. 02:20
25 minutos

Carly y Sam piden en el show que voten por David Archuleta, concursante de "América Canta" para que el gane el programa. Así que, en la final de "América Canta" David gana dejando a Wade Collins en el 2° lugar, Carly y Sam se alegran mucho porque David ganó, pero Freddie apoyaba a Wade y Sam y Carly lo abrazan por consolación. Cuando ellos estaban ensayando iCarly, Spencer llega corriendo diciéndoles que vean la televisión porque el cantante Wade Collins pudo haber ganado, pero no pudo porque en iCarly pidieron que votaran por David Archuleta. Ellas se sentían muy mal por hacer perder a una persona y además el concursaba porque su mamá esta enferma y necesitaba cirugía, pero como no puede hacer el disco no podrá usar el dinero del disco para pagar la cirugía de su mamá enferma. Así que, Carly ayuda a Wade Collins y les dicen en el show a todos que van a hacer un video para Wade y pueda ganar lo de su mamá pero cuando se acaba el programa, Wade actúa diferente como se ve en la televisión y anda insultando a Carly, Sam y Freddie llamándolos "parcinos" pero ellos tienen que hacerle el video porque lo hicieron perder y además ya se lo prometieron a los fans de iCarly. Cuando van hacer el video de iCarly es muy difícil porque el quiere hacer el video a su modo. Y además, contrató a Gibby como asistente, pero el lo trata muy mal, porque él es un americano y el odia a los americanos. Así que, cuando se lo van a dar, Wade y su mamá van a recogerlo pero su mamá esta saludable, no estaba enferma como en lo había dicho en la televisión, pero el solo lo hizo para ganar simpatía y llegar a las finales y ellos dicen que los americanos son idiotas. Carly se niega a darle el video, pero el lanza a su mamá encima de Carly y el roba el video y Carly le dice a Freddie que para venganza hagan un video de Wade Collins como es de mala persona. En el show de iCarly enseñan el video para que vean como es el en realidad y le preguntan a David Archuleta ¿que como es el? y dice que él es lo peor y Wade dice que los americanos son idiotas y en iCarly les dicen que le reclamen en su hotel y habitación que le dijeron ellos para que tengan una venganza. Mientras, a Spencer le llega un recibo que debe más de 10,000 dólares porque no ha entregado una película en 10 años y él tiene que ir a mentir para decirles que el la entrego pero Spencer no es bueno para mentir, así que Sam le enseña a mentir y el aprende muy bien para mentir bien. Luego, en las películas él va a decirle que la regreso pero el no puede mentirle y se pone a llorar mucho, pero la muchacha le dice que los recibos que mandan sus dueños son para que se asusten pero que el no debe nada así que Spencer no se preocupa y el invita a una cita a la muchacha.

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Episode 28

15.1. 02:00, Nickelodeon, 20 minutos

Episode 28

The second season of iCarly aired on Nickelodeon from September 27, 2008 to August 8, 2009. The season continues the stories of Carly Shay, Sam Puckett, and Freddie Benson as they produce their own web show called "iCarly." Jerry Trainor co-stars as Carly's big brother Spencer. This season is the first to have a major plot twist, as it sees Sam and Freddie sharing their first kiss, just to avoid the frustration of not having a first kiss. This is followed by them becoming somewhat closer. This season contained the special "iChristmas". The second season consisted of 45 episodes, with 25 of them airing as part of the second season before the remaining 20 were marketed as the third season.


Episode 29

15.1. 02:20, Nickelodeon, 25 minutos

Episode 29

The second season of iCarly aired on Nickelodeon from September 27, 2008 to August 8, 2009. The season continues the stories of Carly Shay, Sam Puckett, and Freddie Benson as they produce their own web show called "iCarly." Jerry Trainor co-stars as Carly's big brother Spencer. This season is the first to have a major plot twist, as it sees Sam and Freddie sharing their first kiss, just to avoid the frustration of not having a first kiss. This is followed by them becoming somewhat closer. This season contained the special "iChristmas". The second season consisted of 45 episodes, with 25 of them airing as part of the second season before the remaining 20 were marketed as the third season.


Episode 30

15.1. 02:45, Nickelodeon, 20 minutos

Episode 30

The second season of iCarly aired on Nickelodeon from September 27, 2008 to August 8, 2009. The season continues the stories of Carly Shay, Sam Puckett, and Freddie Benson as they produce their own web show called "iCarly." Jerry Trainor co-stars as Carly's big brother Spencer. This season is the first to have a major plot twist, as it sees Sam and Freddie sharing their first kiss, just to avoid the frustration of not having a first kiss. This is followed by them becoming somewhat closer. This season contained the special "iChristmas". The second season consisted of 45 episodes, with 25 of them airing as part of the second season before the remaining 20 were marketed as the third season.


Episode 31

16.1. 02:00, Nickelodeon, 20 minutos

Episode 31

The second season of iCarly aired on Nickelodeon from September 27, 2008 to August 8, 2009. The season continues the stories of Carly Shay, Sam Puckett, and Freddie Benson as they produce their own web show called "iCarly." Jerry Trainor co-stars as Carly's big brother Spencer. This season is the first to have a major plot twist, as it sees Sam and Freddie sharing their first kiss, just to avoid the frustration of not having a first kiss. This is followed by them becoming somewhat closer. This season contained the special "iChristmas". The second season consisted of 45 episodes, with 25 of them airing as part of the second season before the remaining 20 were marketed as the third season.


Episode 36

16.1. 02:20, Nickelodeon, 25 minutos

Episode 36

The second season of iCarly aired on Nickelodeon from September 27, 2008 to August 8, 2009. The season continues the stories of Carly Shay, Sam Puckett, and Freddie Benson as they produce their own web show called "iCarly." Jerry Trainor co-stars as Carly's big brother Spencer. This season is the first to have a major plot twist, as it sees Sam and Freddie sharing their first kiss, just to avoid the frustration of not having a first kiss. This is followed by them becoming somewhat closer. This season contained the special "iChristmas". The second season consisted of 45 episodes, with 25 of them airing as part of the second season before the remaining 20 were marketed as the third season.


Episode 37

16.1. 02:45, Nickelodeon, 20 minutos

Episode 37

The second season of iCarly aired on Nickelodeon from September 27, 2008 to August 8, 2009. The season continues the stories of Carly Shay, Sam Puckett, and Freddie Benson as they produce their own web show called "iCarly." Jerry Trainor co-stars as Carly's big brother Spencer. This season is the first to have a major plot twist, as it sees Sam and Freddie sharing their first kiss, just to avoid the frustration of not having a first kiss. This is followed by them becoming somewhat closer. This season contained the special "iChristmas". The second season consisted of 45 episodes, with 25 of them airing as part of the second season before the remaining 20 were marketed as the third season.


Episode 38

17.1. 02:00, Nickelodeon, 20 minutos

Episode 38

The second season of iCarly aired on Nickelodeon from September 27, 2008 to August 8, 2009. The season continues the stories of Carly Shay, Sam Puckett, and Freddie Benson as they produce their own web show called "iCarly." Jerry Trainor co-stars as Carly's big brother Spencer. This season is the first to have a major plot twist, as it sees Sam and Freddie sharing their first kiss, just to avoid the frustration of not having a first kiss. This is followed by them becoming somewhat closer. This season contained the special "iChristmas". The second season consisted of 45 episodes, with 25 of them airing as part of the second season before the remaining 20 were marketed as the third season.


Episode 39

17.1. 02:20, Nickelodeon, 25 minutos

Episode 39

The second season of iCarly aired on Nickelodeon from September 27, 2008 to August 8, 2009. The season continues the stories of Carly Shay, Sam Puckett, and Freddie Benson as they produce their own web show called "iCarly." Jerry Trainor co-stars as Carly's big brother Spencer. This season is the first to have a major plot twist, as it sees Sam and Freddie sharing their first kiss, just to avoid the frustration of not having a first kiss. This is followed by them becoming somewhat closer. This season contained the special "iChristmas". The second season consisted of 45 episodes, with 25 of them airing as part of the second season before the remaining 20 were marketed as the third season.


Episode 41

17.1. 02:45, Nickelodeon, 20 minutos

Episode 41

The second season of iCarly aired on Nickelodeon from September 27, 2008 to August 8, 2009. The season continues the stories of Carly Shay, Sam Puckett, and Freddie Benson as they produce their own web show called "iCarly." Jerry Trainor co-stars as Carly's big brother Spencer. This season is the first to have a major plot twist, as it sees Sam and Freddie sharing their first kiss, just to avoid the frustration of not having a first kiss. This is followed by them becoming somewhat closer. This season contained the special "iChristmas". The second season consisted of 45 episodes, with 25 of them airing as part of the second season before the remaining 20 were marketed as the third season.


Episode 42

18.1. 02:00, Nickelodeon, 20 minutos

Episode 42

The second season of iCarly aired on Nickelodeon from September 27, 2008 to August 8, 2009. The season continues the stories of Carly Shay, Sam Puckett, and Freddie Benson as they produce their own web show called "iCarly." Jerry Trainor co-stars as Carly's big brother Spencer. This season is the first to have a major plot twist, as it sees Sam and Freddie sharing their first kiss, just to avoid the frustration of not having a first kiss. This is followed by them becoming somewhat closer. This season contained the special "iChristmas". The second season consisted of 45 episodes, with 25 of them airing as part of the second season before the remaining 20 were marketed as the third season.

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iCarly es una serie de televisión estadounidense formato sitcom creada por el productor de televisión, Dan Schneider y transmitida originalmente por la cadena Nickelodeon.4 5 La serie trata de la historia de Carly Shay, una niña que junto a sus dos mejores amigos Sam Puckett y Freddie Benson crean un webshow llamado iCarly.


Russ Reinsel, Andrew Hill Newman