S02E13 - iMeet Fred
When Freddie offends an international internet sensation, Fred, he gets crushed and says to all of his fans that he will not make any more Fred videos. Carly, Sam, and Freddie soon start losing friends and acquaintances that are fans of Fred, and everybody in Ridgeway Jr High hates the iCarly group and Freddie is banned from all clubs. Then meet Lucas, Fred's creator and portrayer, in his home in Idaho for Freddie to forgive him about the Fred videos comment. Lucas later apologizes because he wasn't really mad, it was so Fred and iCarly had more ratings. At the end they apologize live in the iCarly webshow and presented a new Fred video with Carly, Sam, Feddie and Spencer guest starring as themselves with high-pitched voices like Fred. Meanwhile Spencer puts a Magic Eight Ball-like toy (called a "Magic Meatball") in control of his life, with disastrous results.
Viac informáciíEpizódy
iSpeed Date
iSpeed Date
iHave My Principals
iHave My Principals
iFind Lewbert's Lost Love
iFind Lewbert's Lost Love
iSaved Your Life
iSaved Your Life
Carly, unaware of an oncoming taco truck, is pushed aside by Freddie, who subsequently gets hit. Carly, grateful to Freddie for saving her life, develops an attraction towards him. However, Freddie thinks that this attraction stems from his actions, and not himself, so the two break up but agree that if the whole "hero" thing wears off that if Carly still feels attracted to him they'll try the relationship again. Meanwhile, Sam and Spencer engage in an intense game of assassin.
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O programe
Presne v duchu "Waynovho sveta" sa Carly a jej najlepšia kamarátka Samantha "Sam" Puckettová rozhodnú pretvoriť nudný školský projekt na vlastnoručne vedenú internetovú show potom, čo ich kamarát Freddie omylom zavesí video s ich šaškováním na internetovú stránku pre domáce videá "Splash Face" . Ich okamžitý úspech presvedčí Carly, aby plne zapojila Sam (spolumoderátorku) a Freddieho (technický producenta) a spoločne spustili iCarly ako každotýždenná internetovú show, v ktorej si môžu robiť, čo chcú.