S02E15 - iWant My Website Back
Spencer gets a new credit card after canceling his old one, causing Carly, Sam, and Freddie to lose control of the iCarly.com domain. Luckily, Mandy (who appeared in "iAm Your Biggest Fan") returns to buy their website back for them, but she gets tricked into giving it to Nevel. Spencer disguises as an old woman to trick Nevel into signing the URL transfer document during a book signing, but is chased out by security after Nevel recognized him. Later, Nevel demands a kiss from Carly in return to claim the transfer document. Carly confronts Nevel, and Nevel signs the document. However Carly escapes with the signed document without having to kiss Nevel and succeeds in reclaiming their website.
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O programe
Presne v duchu "Waynovho sveta" sa Carly a jej najlepšia kamarátka Samantha "Sam" Puckettová rozhodnú pretvoriť nudný školský projekt na vlastnoručne vedenú internetovú show potom, čo ich kamarát Freddie omylom zavesí video s ich šaškováním na internetovú stránku pre domáce videá "Splash Face" . Ich okamžitý úspech presvedčí Carly, aby plne zapojila Sam (spolumoderátorku) a Freddieho (technický producenta) a spoločne spustili iCarly ako každotýždenná internetovú show, v ktorej si môžu robiť, čo chcú.