Murdoch Mysteries
S08E05 - Murdoch Takes Manhattan
Willliam Murdoch a Julia v průběhu svých svatebních líbánek v New Yorku náhodně v hotelovém pokoji zachytí podivný vzkaz v telefonu: "Medvěd vykrvácí, rudý šíp padne v poledne." Teprve později jim dojde, že nejspíše narazili na spiknutí ohrožující amerického prezidenta Teddyho Roosevelta. Ve stejné době vrchní inspektor Brackenreid a doktorka Graceová vyšetřují v Torontu případ muže, který byl nalezen na ulici. Podle prvních nálezů zemřel pod koly projíždějícího automobilu. Mohla to být nehoda. Ve stejný den však konstábl Crabtree společně s dvěma kolegy výhodně zakoupí červený automobil...(Česká televize)
More informationEpisodes
An Avoidable Hinder
A Victorian-era Toronto detective uses then-cutting edge forensic techniques to solve crimes, with the assistance of a female coroner who is also struggling for recognition in the face of tradition, based on the books by Maureen Jennings.
Ballad of Gentleman Jones
A Victorian-era Toronto detective uses then-cutting edge forensic techniques to solve crimes, with the assistance of a female coroner who is also struggling for recognition in the face of tradition, based on the books by Maureen Jennings.
Virtue and Vice
A Victorian-era Toronto detective uses then-cutting edge forensic techniques to solve crimes, with the assistance of a female coroner who is also struggling for recognition in the face of tradition, based on the books by Maureen Jennings.
Whatever Happened to Abigail Prescott
Murdoch se obává o budoucnost své ženy a dítěte, když je Ogdenová odsouzena ke třem letům vězení za smrt Abigail Prescottové. Snaha Effie o znovuotevření případu se ocitne ve slepé uličce. (Viasat)
Just Desserts
A Victorian-era Toronto detective uses then-cutting edge forensic techniques to solve crimes, with the assistance of a female coroner who is also struggling for recognition in the face of tradition, based on the books by Maureen Jennings.
Murder in F Major
A Victorian-era Toronto detective uses then-cutting edge forensic techniques to solve crimes, with the assistance of a female coroner who is also struggling for recognition in the face of tradition, based on the books by Maureen Jennings.
The Long Goodbye, Part One
A Victorian-era Toronto detective uses then-cutting edge forensic techniques to solve crimes, with the assistance of a female coroner who is also struggling for recognition in the face of tradition, based on the books by Maureen Jennings.
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A Victorian-era Toronto detective uses then-cutting edge forensic techniques to solve crimes, with the assistance of a female coroner who is also struggling for recognition in the face of tradition, based on the books by Maureen Jennings.