Pit Bulls and Parolees

Pit Bulls and Parolees

S09E04 - A Home At Last

12.9. 09:25
Animal Planet
55 minutes

Villalobos' oldest resident, Summer, a pit with severe arthritis, has a chance at a forever home. Earl works to improve a dog's social skills, hoping to make him more adoptable. And Kanani's girlfriend, M2, takes on her first rescue.

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Available in 1 day


21.9. 09:25, Animal Planet, 55 minutes


Earl returns from rehab, hoping to rebuild his life working with the dogs. A couple comes looking for a dog who can handle the crowded streets of NYC. And, Lizzy rescues a dog after a confrontation with the owner who abandoned it.

Available in 1 day

Kindness of Strangers

21.9. 19:00, Animal Planet, 60 minutes

Kindness of Strangers

After flooding devastates Louisiana, Tia and her team race to help the victims, including former adopters whose home has been destroyed, and a woman separated from her dogs when water overwhelmed her house.

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About show

Czech, English, Hungarian

Follow Tia Torres, founder of Villalobos Rescue Center, and her family as they rehabilitate both felons and ill-reputed pit bulls who come together to rescue one another from their dim pasts, and bring new meaning to life.