Storage Wars / 11.03.2025, 13:50

Storage Wars / 11.03.2025, 13:50

Válka skladů (10)

11.3. 13:50
Nova Action
30 minutes

When rent is not paid on a storage locker for three months in California, the contents can be sold by an auctioneer as a single lot of items in the form of a cash-only auction. The show follows professional buyers who purchase the contents based only on a five-minute inspection of what they can see from the door when it is open. The goal is to turn a profit on the merchandise.

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Record series
30 Available episodes Show 10 future episodes
Available in 1 day

Episode 22

7.3. 09:15, History Channel, 20 minutes

Episode 22

When rent is not paid on a storage locker for three months in California, the contents can be sold by an auctioneer as a single lot of items in the form of a cash-only auction. The show follows professional buyers who purchase the contents based only on a five-minute inspection of what they can see from the door when it is open. The goal is to turn a profit on the merchandise.


Cesta Gam Gamu

1.3. 00:20, History Channel, 20 minutes

Cesta Gam Gamu

Cesta Gam Gamu. V Santa Aně se Lisa snaží vydělat na své babičce. Brandi prožívá nejhorší den v životě. Darrell se pokouší udělat jídlo ze skříňky velikosti svačiny a Kenny se učí připravit se na opravdovou kradmost.


Strašlivá mela

28.2. 01:25, History Channel, 20 minutes

Strašlivá mela

Strašlivá mela. Kupci se setkají s novými dražiteli a Darrell brání svůj rajón. Ivy Calvin najde nástroj, jaký nikdy neviděl a Jarrod s Brandi potřebují zaplnit svůj nový obchod.


Mezi dobrem a zlem

28.2. 01:45, History Channel, 25 minutes

Mezi dobrem a zlem

Mezi dobrem a zlem. Barry si najme médium, aby se dozvěděl, co je uvnitř skříňky. Vyplatí se mu jeho prohnané metody?


Episode 8

28.2. 23:55, History Channel, 25 minutes

Episode 8

When rent is not paid on a storage locker for three months in California, the contents can be sold by an auctioneer as a single lot of items in the form of a cash-only auction. The show follows professional buyers who purchase the contents based only on a five-minute inspection of what they can see from the door when it is open. The goal is to turn a profit on the merchandise.


Máš radost, že to Dan zas prodal?

27.2. 02:10, History Channel, 25 minutes

Máš radost, že to Dan zas prodal?

Máš radost, že to Dan zas prodal? Nový kupec vyzývá Barryho i Jarroda a získává napěchované skladiště. Mezitím Barry najde kufr a Herb s Mikem sifon.


Episode 7

28.2. 00:20, History Channel, 20 minutes

Episode 7

When rent is not paid on a storage locker for three months in California, the contents can be sold by an auctioneer as a single lot of items in the form of a cash-only auction. The show follows professional buyers who purchase the contents based only on a five-minute inspection of what they can see from the door when it is open. The goal is to turn a profit on the merchandise.


Staré triky, nové zisky

27.2. 01:45, History Channel, 25 minutes

Staré triky, nové zisky

Staré triky, nové zisky. Aukce skladových jednotek jsou nejnovějším a největším nevyužitým zdrojem skrytých pokladů, ve kterých nadšení kupci draží cizí majetky v naději, že narazí na zlato. Vítejte ve Válce skladů.


Portrét hráče

2.3. 08:45, History Channel, 25 minutes

Portrét hráče


Episode 6

5.3. 19:55, History Channel, 20 minutes

Episode 6

When rent is not paid on a storage locker for three months in California, the contents can be sold by an auctioneer as a single lot of items in the form of a cash-only auction. The show follows professional buyers who purchase the contents based only on a five-minute inspection of what they can see from the door when it is open. The goal is to turn a profit on the merchandise.


Přímou cestou do Comptonu

2.3. 08:25, History Channel, 20 minutes

Přímou cestou do Comptonu

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About show

Czech Czech

When rent is not paid on a storage locker for three months in California, the contents can be sold by an auctioneer as a single lot of items in the form of a cash-only auction. The show follows professional buyers who purchase the contents based only on a five-minute inspection of what they can see from the door when it is open. The goal is to turn a profit on the merchandise.