Storage Wars / 11.03.2025, 19:10
Válka skladů (12)
When rent is not paid on a storage locker for three months in California, the contents can be sold by an auctioneer as a single lot of items in the form of a cash-only auction. The show follows professional buyers who purchase the contents based only on a five-minute inspection of what they can see from the door when it is open. The goal is to turn a profit on the merchandise.
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Všechny zbraně do přístavu
Všechny zbraně do přístavu
Všechny zbraně do přístavu. Svět v okolí Long Beach je neustálým riskem. Od kvalitních lodních nákladů až k troskám. Někomu se poštěstí a jiní budou mít smůlu.

Storage Wars / 08.03.2025, 13:20
Storage Wars / 08.03.2025, 13:20
When rent is not paid on a storage locker for three months in California, the contents can be sold by an auctioneer as a single lot of items in the form of a cash-only auction. The show follows professional buyers who purchase the contents based only on a five-minute inspection of what they can see from the door when it is open. The goal is to turn a profit on the merchandise.

Čas pálení
Čas pálení

Přeber si to
Přeber si to
Přeber si to. Barry přivádí krále kýče, Charlese Phoenixe, aby viděl dražbu z první ruky. Darrell zjistí, že výhoda domácího pole neexistuje.

Dražby pro hlupáky
Dražby pro hlupáky

Válka na pobřeží
Válka na pobřeží
Válka na pobřeží. Miniaturní piáno ve skladu plném kadeřnických potřeb přinese Berymu hotové jmění. Dave a Darrell nabídnou vysokou částku a David zaplatí tolik, jako ještě nikdy.

Storage Wars / 07.03.2025, 18:50
Storage Wars / 07.03.2025, 18:50
When rent is not paid on a storage locker for three months in California, the contents can be sold by an auctioneer as a single lot of items in the form of a cash-only auction. The show follows professional buyers who purchase the contents based only on a five-minute inspection of what they can see from the door when it is open. The goal is to turn a profit on the merchandise.

Episode 11
Episode 11
When rent is not paid on a storage locker for three months in California, the contents can be sold by an auctioneer as a single lot of items in the form of a cash-only auction. The show follows professional buyers who purchase the contents based only on a five-minute inspection of what they can see from the door when it is open. The goal is to turn a profit on the merchandise.

Čtyři uchazeči a pohřeb
Čtyři uchazeči a pohřeb
Čtyři uchazeči a pohřeb. Lisa přichází do Montebella s čistou myslí a chce nechat skříňky, aby k ní promluvily. Ivy nechá syna navigovat k jednotce, která se ukáže, že není úplně prázdná. Kenny je naprosto zděšen tím, co najde opuštěné ve své jednotce.

Episode 23
Episode 23
When rent is not paid on a storage locker for three months in California, the contents can be sold by an auctioneer as a single lot of items in the form of a cash-only auction. The show follows professional buyers who purchase the contents based only on a five-minute inspection of what they can see from the door when it is open. The goal is to turn a profit on the merchandise.

Episode 22
Episode 22
When rent is not paid on a storage locker for three months in California, the contents can be sold by an auctioneer as a single lot of items in the form of a cash-only auction. The show follows professional buyers who purchase the contents based only on a five-minute inspection of what they can see from the door when it is open. The goal is to turn a profit on the merchandise.
Episode 19
When rent is not paid on a storage locker for three months in California, the contents can be sold by an auctioneer as a single lot of items in the form of a cash-only auction. The show follows professional buyers who purchase the contents based only on a five-minute inspection of what they can see from the door when it is open. The goal is to turn a profit on the merchandise.
Episode 18
When rent is not paid on a storage locker for three months in California, the contents can be sold by an auctioneer as a single lot of items in the form of a cash-only auction. The show follows professional buyers who purchase the contents based only on a five-minute inspection of what they can see from the door when it is open. The goal is to turn a profit on the merchandise.
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About show
When rent is not paid on a storage locker for three months in California, the contents can be sold by an auctioneer as a single lot of items in the form of a cash-only auction. The show follows professional buyers who purchase the contents based only on a five-minute inspection of what they can see from the door when it is open. The goal is to turn a profit on the merchandise.