Zapomenuté megastavby

Zapomenuté megastavby

S02E07 - Elektrárna Hitlerovy armády

29.12. 18:45
History Channel
45 minut

Elektrárna Hitlerovy armády. Průmyslový areál ztracený v lese. Americké zařízení, které řídilo studenou válku. Opuštěná věž. Nepoužívaná ruina na písečné duně. Kdo je postavil? A proč byly opuštěny?

Více informací

Episode 12

18.1. 18:45, History Channel, 45 minut

Episode 12

The hit documentary series that explores some of the world's most mysterious abandoned structures returns for an all-new second series. Once these structures were among the most advanced engineering projects ever undertaken, but now they lie ruined, disused, and sometimes deadly. Each episode of this fascinating and fast-paced series uncovers the stories behind their rise and fall and asks 'who built them? And why? And why were they abandoned?'


Episode 13

19.1. 18:45, History Channel, 45 minut

Episode 13

The hit documentary series that explores some of the world's most mysterious abandoned structures returns for an all-new second series. Once these structures were among the most advanced engineering projects ever undertaken, but now they lie ruined, disused, and sometimes deadly. Each episode of this fascinating and fast-paced series uncovers the stories behind their rise and fall and asks 'who built them? And why? And why were they abandoned?'


Episode 14

19.1. 23:15, History Channel, 40 minut

Episode 14

The hit documentary series that explores some of the world's most mysterious abandoned structures returns for an all-new second series. Once these structures were among the most advanced engineering projects ever undertaken, but now they lie ruined, disused, and sometimes deadly. Each episode of this fascinating and fast-paced series uncovers the stories behind their rise and fall and asks 'who built them? And why? And why were they abandoned?'

Dostupné za 4 hodiny

Episode 15

25.1. 23:15, History Channel, 40 minut

Episode 15

The hit documentary series that explores some of the world's most mysterious abandoned structures returns for an all-new second series. Once these structures were among the most advanced engineering projects ever undertaken, but now they lie ruined, disused, and sometimes deadly. Each episode of this fascinating and fast-paced series uncovers the stories behind their rise and fall and asks 'who built them? And why? And why were they abandoned?'

Dostupné za 1 den

Episode 16

26.1. 23:15, History Channel, 40 minut

Episode 16

The hit documentary series that explores some of the world's most mysterious abandoned structures returns for an all-new second series. Once these structures were among the most advanced engineering projects ever undertaken, but now they lie ruined, disused, and sometimes deadly. Each episode of this fascinating and fast-paced series uncovers the stories behind their rise and fall and asks 'who built them? And why? And why were they abandoned?'

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O pořadu

česky, anglicky, maďarsky

Některé z nejúžasnějších stavebních projektů na světě dnes leží v troskách. Jak je to možné? Seznámíme vás s příběhy neobyčejných lidí, kteří je původně navrhli i těch, jejichž vynalézavost a genialita mnohým z nich nyní dává nový život. Každá z těchto mimořádných staveb vypráví silný a působivý příběh. Tato řada se zaměřuje na ty nejpozoruhodnější příklady opuštěných stavebních projektů na světě, a zkoumá, jak a proč se stavěly a také finanční a společenské důsledky jejich selhání, jakož i jejich dopady na životní prostředí. Rovněž divákům přiblíží, jak z těchto trosek vzniká něco nádherného a užitečného. Některé opuštěné stavby totiž získaly nový život. Například nacistický rekreační komplex Prora v Německu, High Line v New Yorku, USS Oriskany na Floridě a dálnice Foreshore Freeway v jihoafrickém Kapském Městě. V této poučné řadě budete svědky znovuzrození těchto staveb.(Discovery Channel)