Top Gear / 09.12.2024, 08:10

Top Gear / 09.12.2024, 08:10

Top Gear XXII (3)

9.12. 07:54
Prima COOL
66 minutes

Tentokrát se Top Gear věnuje vážnému tématu – rychlosti sanitek. Jejich dojezdové časy nejsou kdovíjaké, snadno uvíznou ve špičce. Trojice představí řešení: sanitní verzi P45 Top Gear, nejmenšího vozítka, které smí na silnici. Pacienta lze na nosítkách připojit za vozík, ale jak se v zatáčce ukáže, není to zrovna bezpečné. Dostanou tedy úkol – postavit nějakou alternativu, rychlejší sanitku, která poskytne možnost převozu uvnitř. Richard bere starý Chevrolet G20 s motorem V8, Jeremy přijíždí v Porsche 944 Turbo a James v pohřebním Fordu Scorpio. Trojice poměří síly ve sprintu s nejrychlejší současnou sanitkou od Mercedesu. Pak se vrátíme k úkolům. Stig pojede s jejich vozy a oni během okruhu Top Gearu, na který byly přidány zpomalovací pásy, provedou operaci. Další test ověří rychlost vyložení pacienta. Do studia přijde host, australský pilot F1 Daniel Ricciardo, kterého Jeremy vyzpovídá a pak se dozvíme, jak si Daniel vedl na okruhu Top Gearu. Vracíme se k sanitkám, kterým zatím vybudovali základnu. Trojice v ní čeká na signál, po kterém vyrazí na cílovou adresu. Kdo dojede pro pacienta a přiveze ho jako první zpět, dostane body.

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21 Available episodes Hide all future events
Available in 6 days

Top Gear / 07.03.2025, 08:30

7.3. 08:30, Prima COOL, 65 minutes

Top Gear / 07.03.2025, 08:30

Available in 6 days

Top Gear / 07.03.2025, 07:25

7.3. 07:25, Prima COOL, 65 minutes

Top Gear / 07.03.2025, 07:25

Available in 5 days

Top Gear / 06.03.2025, 08:30

6.3. 08:30, Prima COOL, 65 minutes

Top Gear / 06.03.2025, 08:30

Available in 5 days

Top Gear / 06.03.2025, 07:25

6.3. 07:25, Prima COOL, 65 minutes

Top Gear / 06.03.2025, 07:25

Available in 4 days

Top Gear / 06.03.2025, 03:30

6.3. 03:30, Prima COOL, 65 minutes

Top Gear / 06.03.2025, 03:30

Available in 4 days

Top Gear / 05.03.2025, 08:30

5.3. 08:30, Prima COOL, 65 minutes

Top Gear / 05.03.2025, 08:30

Available in 4 days

Top Gear / 05.03.2025, 07:25

5.3. 07:25, Prima COOL, 65 minutes

Top Gear / 05.03.2025, 07:25

Available in 3 days

Top Gear / 05.03.2025, 03:05

5.3. 03:05, Prima COOL, 110 minutes

Top Gear / 05.03.2025, 03:05

Available in 3 days

Top Gear / 04.03.2025, 08:35

4.3. 08:35, Prima COOL, 60 minutes

Top Gear / 04.03.2025, 08:35

Available in 3 days

Top Gear / 04.03.2025, 07:25

4.3. 07:25, Prima COOL, 70 minutes

Top Gear / 04.03.2025, 07:25

Available in 2 days

Top Gear / 03.03.2025, 08:10

3.3. 08:10, Prima COOL, 90 minutes

Top Gear / 03.03.2025, 08:10

Available in 2 days

Top Gear / 03.03.2025, 07:05

3.3. 07:05, Prima COOL, 65 minutes

Top Gear / 03.03.2025, 07:05

Available in 1 day

Top Gear / 03.03.2025, 04:05

3.3. 04:05, Prima COOL, 70 minutes

Top Gear / 03.03.2025, 04:05

Available in 1 day

Top Gear / 02.03.2025, 07:55

2.3. 07:55, Prima COOL, 65 minutes

Top Gear / 02.03.2025, 07:55

Available in 1 day

Top Gear / 02.03.2025, 06:50

2.3. 06:50, Prima COOL, 65 minutes

Top Gear / 02.03.2025, 06:50

Available in 1 day

Top Gear / 02.03.2025, 06:00

2.3. 06:00, Prima COOL, 50 minutes

Top Gear / 02.03.2025, 06:00

Available in 21 hours

Top Gear / 02.03.2025, 03:25

2.3. 02:44, Prima COOL, 55 minutes

Top Gear / 02.03.2025, 03:25

Available in 3 hours

Top Gear / 01.03.2025, 08:40

1.3. 08:40, Prima COOL, 66 minutes

Top Gear / 01.03.2025, 08:40

The hosts talk about the latest cars and its specifications. They review the performance of the car and also find out if it is as good as the manufacturers claim. The current hosts are Chris Evans and Matt LeBlanc with The Stig.

Available in 2 hours

Top Gear / 01.03.2025, 07:35

1.3. 07:35, Prima COOL, 65 minutes

Top Gear / 01.03.2025, 07:35

The hosts talk about the latest cars and its specifications. They review the performance of the car and also find out if it is as good as the manufacturers claim. The current hosts are Chris Evans and Matt LeBlanc with The Stig.

Available in 1 hour

Top Gear / 01.03.2025, 06:44

1.3. 06:44, Prima COOL, 50 minutes

Top Gear / 01.03.2025, 06:44

The hosts talk about the latest cars and its specifications. They review the performance of the car and also find out if it is as good as the manufacturers claim. The current hosts are Chris Evans and Matt LeBlanc with The Stig.


Top Gear / 28.02.2025, 09:14

28.2. 09:14, Prima COOL, 61 minutes

Top Gear / 28.02.2025, 09:14

The hosts talk about the latest cars and its specifications. They review the performance of the car and also find out if it is as good as the manufacturers claim. The current hosts are Chris Evans and Matt LeBlanc with The Stig.


Top Gear / 28.02.2025, 08:12

28.2. 08:12, Prima COOL, 61 minutes

Top Gear / 28.02.2025, 08:12

The hosts talk about the latest cars and its specifications. They review the performance of the car and also find out if it is as good as the manufacturers claim. The current hosts are Chris Evans and Matt LeBlanc with The Stig.


Top Gear / 27.02.2025, 08:53

27.2. 08:53, Prima COOL, 65 minutes

Top Gear / 27.02.2025, 08:53

The hosts talk about the latest cars and its specifications. They review the performance of the car and also find out if it is as good as the manufacturers claim. The current hosts are Chris Evans and Matt LeBlanc with The Stig.


Top Gear / 27.02.2025, 07:49

27.2. 07:49, Prima COOL, 64 minutes

Top Gear / 27.02.2025, 07:49

The hosts talk about the latest cars and its specifications. They review the performance of the car and also find out if it is as good as the manufacturers claim. The current hosts are Chris Evans and Matt LeBlanc with The Stig.


Top Gear / 26.02.2025, 08:48

26.2. 08:48, Prima COOL, 65 minutes

Top Gear / 26.02.2025, 08:48

The hosts talk about the latest cars and its specifications. They review the performance of the car and also find out if it is as good as the manufacturers claim. The current hosts are Chris Evans and Matt LeBlanc with The Stig.


Top Gear / 26.02.2025, 07:45

26.2. 07:45, Prima COOL, 62 minutes

Top Gear / 26.02.2025, 07:45

The hosts talk about the latest cars and its specifications. They review the performance of the car and also find out if it is as good as the manufacturers claim. The current hosts are Chris Evans and Matt LeBlanc with The Stig.


Top Gear / 26.02.2025, 03:10

26.2. 02:32, Prima COOL, 56 minutes

Top Gear / 26.02.2025, 03:10


Top Gear / 25.02.2025, 08:38

25.2. 08:38, Prima COOL, 65 minutes

Top Gear / 25.02.2025, 08:38

The hosts talk about the latest cars and its specifications. They review the performance of the car and also find out if it is as good as the manufacturers claim. The current hosts are Chris Evans and Matt LeBlanc with The Stig.


Top Gear / 25.02.2025, 07:35

25.2. 07:35, Prima COOL, 63 minutes

Top Gear / 25.02.2025, 07:35

The hosts talk about the latest cars and its specifications. They review the performance of the car and also find out if it is as good as the manufacturers claim. The current hosts are Chris Evans and Matt LeBlanc with The Stig.


Top Gear / 25.02.2025, 02:19

25.2. 02:19, Prima COOL, 57 minutes

Top Gear / 25.02.2025, 02:19

The hosts talk about the latest cars and its specifications. They review the performance of the car and also find out if it is as good as the manufacturers claim. The current hosts are Chris Evans and Matt LeBlanc with The Stig.

About show

Czech Czech

Tentokrát se Top Gear věnuje vážnému tématu – rychlosti sanitek. Jejich dojezdové časy nejsou kdovíjaké, snadno uvíznou ve špičce. Trojice představí řešení: sanitní verzi P45 Top Gear, nejmenšího vozítka, které smí na silnici. Pacienta lze na nosítkách připojit za vozík, ale jak se v zatáčce ukáže, není to zrovna bezpečné. Dostanou tedy úkol – postavit nějakou alternativu, rychlejší sanitku, která poskytne možnost převozu uvnitř. Richard bere starý Chevrolet G20 s motorem V8, Jeremy přijíždí v Porsche 944 Turbo a James v pohřebním Fordu Scorpio. Trojice poměří síly ve sprintu s nejrychlejší současnou sanitkou od Mercedesu. Pak se vrátíme k úkolům. Stig pojede s jejich vozy a oni během okruhu Top Gearu, na který byly přidány zpomalovací pásy, provedou operaci. Další test ověří rychlost vyložení pacienta. Do studia přijde host, australský pilot F1 Daniel Ricciardo, kterého Jeremy vyzpovídá a pak se dozvíme, jak si Daniel vedl na okruhu Top Gearu. Vracíme se k sanitkám, kterým zatím vybudovali základnu. Trojice v ní čeká na signál, po kterém vyrazí na cílovou adresu. Kdo dojede pro pacienta a přiveze ho jako první zpět, dostane body.