Galerias Velvet

Galerias Velvet

S02E11 - La hora de la verdad

12.1. 01:01
Prima Love
48 minutes
Spain Drama / Romantic

V módním domě Velvet probíhají přípravy na svatbu, Alberto se svěří Emiliovi, že v tento velký den mu chybí jeho matka. Emilio jeho matku Isabel znal, Alberto si myslí, že zemřela při porodu. Ana je domluvená s Cristinou, že před třetí může odejít. Když chce jít do butiku odnést šaty, tak ji Cristina stroze přikáže, aby zde zůstala kvůli novinářům a upravila její svatební šaty pro fotografy. Ana si uvědomuje, jak jí Cristina opět kazí její štěstí. Právník donese Albertovi dopis od jeho otce Rafaela, který mu měl být předán v den svatby. Píše, že Alberta obdivuje a nezklamal ho a dává mu požehnání ke svatbě s Anou. Enrique přinese Raulovi obvinění o plagiátorství, kvůli kterému se Raul soudí se svým mentorem. Raul doufá, že ho Cristina pochopí, ale ona se k němu obrátí zády. Svatba se koná v kostele, Alberto přijede později, a přestože mají někteří obavy, tak se Alberto s Cristinou vezmou. Ana je nešťastná, před domem Velvet potká sympatického mladíka, který do módního domu přinese špatně poslané svatební šaty. Emilio uvidí v davu u kostela také Isabelu, Albertovu matku. Blanca se odhodlá a políbí Maxe.(TV Prima)

More information

Welcome to the '60s

22.1. 00:11, Prima Love, 52 minutes

Welcome to the '60s

In 1950s Spain, the heir to a fashion house romances a beautiful seamstress who works for the company, despite the objections of his family.


More Than a Pretty Face

22.1. 01:03, Prima Love, 49 minutes

More Than a Pretty Face

In 1950s Spain, the heir to a fashion house romances a beautiful seamstress who works for the company, despite the objections of his family.


Tell Me Your Secret

23.1. 00:28, Prima Love, 56 minutes

Tell Me Your Secret

In 1950s Spain, the heir to a fashion house romances a beautiful seamstress who works for the company, despite the objections of his family.


The Inner Enemy

23.1. 01:25, Prima Love, 55 minutes

The Inner Enemy

In 1950s Spain, the heir to a fashion house romances a beautiful seamstress who works for the company, despite the objections of his family.


A Difficult Decision

24.1. 00:22, Prima Love, 57 minutes

A Difficult Decision

In 1950s Spain, the heir to a fashion house romances a beautiful seamstress who works for the company, despite the objections of his family.


The Moment of Truth

24.1. 01:20, Prima Love, 55 minutes

The Moment of Truth

In 1950s Spain, the heir to a fashion house romances a beautiful seamstress who works for the company, despite the objections of his family.

Available in 10 hours

At Play

25.1. 00:26, Prima Love, 56 minutes

At Play

In 1950s Spain, the heir to a fashion house romances a beautiful seamstress who works for the company, despite the objections of his family.

Available in 11 hours


25.1. 01:22, Prima Love, 58 minutes


In 1950s Spain, the heir to a fashion house romances a beautiful seamstress who works for the company, despite the objections of his family.

Available in 1 day

Unexpected Gifts

26.1. 00:10, Prima Love, 55 minutes

Unexpected Gifts

In 1950s Spain, the heir to a fashion house romances a beautiful seamstress who works for the company, despite the objections of his family.

Available in 1 day

And Then He Came

26.1. 01:05, Prima Love, 60 minutes

And Then He Came

In 1950s Spain, the heir to a fashion house romances a beautiful seamstress who works for the company, despite the objections of his family.

Available in 2 days

The Big Day II

27.1. 00:05, Prima Love, 55 minutes

The Big Day II

In 1950s Spain, the heir to a fashion house romances a beautiful seamstress who works for the company, despite the objections of his family.

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About show

Czech Czech
Spain Drama / Romantic

In 1950s Spain, the heir to a fashion house romances a beautiful seamstress who works for the company, despite the objections of his family.


Jorge Sánchez-Cabezudo


Aitana Sánchez-Gijón, Ángela Molina, Manuela Velasco, Ginés García Millán, Juana Acosta, Diego Martín, Miguel Ángel Silvestre, Manuela Vellés, Peter Vives, Paula Echevarría, Marta Hazas, Miriam Giovanelli, José Sacristán, Asier Etxeandía, Amaia Salamanca, Javier Rey, Adrián Lastra, Cecilia Freire, Gael Flores, Eva Ugarte, Llorenç González, Daniel Guzman