The World's Most Scenic Railway Journeys

The World's Most Scenic Railway Journeys

S03E01 - Cornwall

3.2. 08:16
Prima Zoom
54 minutes
Action / Drama / Thriller

Skotsko. Dokument USA (2022). Poznejte nejkrásnější železnice světa. Vydejte se spolu s tvůrci mimo jiné do Kalifornie, do Portugalska nebo do Francie...

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Season 3

Episode 7

20.3. 04:04, Prima Zoom, 49 minutes

Episode 7

Bill Nighy narrates the stories of epic train journeys through stunning scenery.

Available in 2 days

Episode 8

24.3. 08:25, Prima Zoom, 60 minutes

Episode 8

Bill Nighy narrates the stories of epic train journeys through stunning scenery.

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About show

Czech Czech
Action / Drama / Thriller

Skotsko. Dokument USA (2022). Poznejte nejkrásnější železnice světa. Vydejte se spolu s tvůrci mimo jiné do Kalifornie, do Portugalska nebo do Francie...


Ludovic Colbeau-Justin


Vincent Elbaz, Anne Girouard, Damien Jouillerot, Marie Guillard, Philippe Hérisson, Ludivine Manca, François Cottrelle, José Heuze, Patrick Chesnais, Vanessa Guide, Claude Brasseur, Jean-Marie Paris, Christophe Carotenuto, Julie Ordon, Mahamadou Coulibaly, Axel Kiener, Sarah Brannens, Pierre Poirot, Philippe Cura, Roland Munter, Franck de la Personne