NASA's Unexplained Files
S03E05 - The Moon that Disappeared
Měsíc, který zmizel. Nově nalezené dokumenty odhalují tajný alternativní plán organizace NASA v případě neúspěchu prvního přistání na Měsíci. Mise Cassini NASA objasňuje 300 staré tajemství.
More informationEpisodes
Life in Hell
A UFO crashes in Pennsylvania. Was it a secret Soviet satellite or something far more dangerous? On Mercury, NASA finds the impossible: frozen water. A strange object causes a skyscraper-sized shadow on the surface of Mars's largest moon. What is it?

Top Secret Terror
Top Secret Terror
Was the Moon landing faked? Images of Mercury reveal massive spider-like formations on its surface. Is it a geological formation or something ominous? A classified Space Shuttle mission ends in near-disaster. What was its mission?

Hammer of Thor
Hammer of Thor
Are burning lights above Nevada and Utah signs of a secret space weapons project? What are the odd trails on the lunar surface near the Apollo landing sites? Does a strange space object spell disaster for the Space Shuttle crew?

Spacewalk of Doom
Spacewalk of Doom
How could an astronaut on a spacewalk begin to drown? Have NASA scientists discovered an asteroid that was converted into a spacecraft? What are the strange objects spotted when NASA sends a secret payload into space?

Did We Nuke Jupiter?
Did We Nuke Jupiter?
Could NASA be responsible for a nuclear explosion on Jupiter? Could new evidence finally solve the mystery of the iconic face on Mars? What unknown force crashed a spacecraft from the Apollo program into the lunar surface?
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About show
Měsíc, který zmizel. Nově nalezené dokumenty odhalují tajný alternativní plán organizace NASA v případě neúspěchu prvního přistání na Měsíci. Mise Cassini NASA objasňuje 300 staré tajemství.