Expedition Unknown

Expedition Unknown

S03E05 - Cloning the Wooly Mammoth

26.12. 09:05
Warner TV
55 minutes

Klonování mamuta srstnatého. Dokument. Josh bude pomáhat při klonování vyhynulého mamuta srstnatého v biotechnologické laboratoři, která v jednom kanadském dolu vykopala staré kosti

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Season 9
Available in 1 day

Episode 10

13.3. 20:00, Discovery, 60 minutes

Episode 10

The adventures of Josh Gates as he investigates unsolved iconic stories across the globe.


Episode 12

6.3. 20:00, Discovery, 60 minutes

Episode 12

The adventures of Josh Gates as he investigates unsolved iconic stories across the globe.

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About show

Czech, English

The adventures of Josh Gates as he investigates unsolved iconic stories across the globe.